Enrolments are still open for the 2025 academic year. For more information, please contact us on (03) 9306 7988.

Junior School

skills of analysis


The Mathematics Department at Glenroy Private aims to involve each student actively in acquiring skills of analysis and logical reasoning, along with proficiency in computation. Additionally, the Department strives to maintain an atmosphere in which students experience the freedom and confidence to question and gain confidence as they master Mathematical skills. Moreover, the Department aspires to develop students’ mathematical thinking, understanding, competence and confidence in the application of mathematics, their creativity, enjoyment and appreciation of the subject, and their engagement in lifelong learning. Students will have the opportunity to develop an appreciation of mathematics and its applications in their everyday lives

three-dimensional objects


The year 7 course covers both revision of Junior School Mathematics and the introduction of new topics. The basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) are applied to whole numbers, fractions and decimals. Work with number patterns provides a basis for the introduction of algebraic notation and pronumerals, and students learn to use symbols to represent general rules for number sequences. Students develop skills in graphical interpretation and in the collection and organization of data. Computers can be used effectively here as students investigate their own questions of interest. Work is also completed in the areas of measurement, space, chance and data.

At the year 8 level students extend their knowledge of basic mathematical operations with negative numbers. Algebraic skills are further developed, which facilitates a more analytical approach to solving equations, and students learn to carry out calculations involving perimeters, areas and volumes of simple two- and three-dimensional objects. Linear relationships are developed and students generate number pairs and use coordinates to draw graphs of these relationships. Percentages and ratio are introduced and related to real life situations, and further work in geometry is undertaken with the use of Geometer’s Sketchpad.

The appropriate use of technology will be incorporated throughout the course both in the learning of new material and the application of this material in a variety of different contexts. Puzzles and problem-solving tasks will be given to the students to complete independently, and the opportunity for group work is provided through a variety of activities such as the use of the Mathematics Task Centre.

Glenroy Private

Which Pathway?

Each pathway is planned to meet the appropriate needs, interests and abilities of students. Each Mathematics class will follow one of the three pathways and work done by students in classes will differ in the method and depth of treatment.

When planning learning experiences for students in Years 9 and 10, teachers will need to consider pathways that students plan to follow beyond Year 10. For students who intend to study the Stage 6 General Mathematics course, it is recommended that they experience at least some of the 5.2 content, particularly the Patterns and Algebra topics and Trigonometry, if not all of the content. For students who intend to study the Stage 6 Mathematics course, it is recommended that they experience the topics Real Numbers, Algebraic Techniques and Co-ordinate Geometry as well as at least some of Trigonometry and Deductive Geometry from 5.3, if not all of the content. For students who intend to study the Stage 6 Mathematics Extension 1 course, it is recommended that they experience the optional topics Curve Sketching and Polynomials, Functions and Logarithm, and Circle Geometry.

Last Note


The Mathematics Life Skills outcomes and content are designed to provide a relevant and meaningful program of study for a small percentage of students with special education needs, for whom the Mathematics Years 7 – 10 Syllabus outcomes and content are not appropriate.

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Location: 93 Daley St, Glenroy VIC 3046, Australia

Telephone: +61 3 9306 7988

Email: admin@glenroyprivate.vic.edu.au

School Hours: M-F: 8am - 4pm